Fourth Sunday in Lent - 03/27/22

We’re continuing on in Lamentations through this Lent season. You'll notice that during Lent we'll be changing our Eucharistic liturgy - the Kenyan Liturgy. It carries a theme of joy, and it's important in every service that we hold these things — Lent and joy in the coming resurrection — simultaneously in tension.

Our Intro to St. Bart’s Class continues after the service, too! We’ll have coffee!! Can’t wait to see you.

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the (NEW) Daily Prayer Booklet Vol. 1 for January - April 2022.

Third Sunday in Lent - 03/20/22

We’re continuing on in Lamentations through this Lent season. You'll notice that during Lent we'll be changing our Eucharistic liturgy - the Kenyan Liturgy. It carries a theme of joy, and it's important in every service that we hold these things — Lent and joy in the coming resurrection — simultaneously in tension.

This week begins our Intro to St. Bart’s Class after the service, too! We’ll have coffee!! Can’t wait to see you.

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the (NEW) Daily Prayer Booklet Vol. 1 for January - April 2022.

Second Sunday in Lent - 03/13/22

The Lenten season has officially begun. Rev. Chris will be preaching on a challenging topic in Lamentations —God’s wrath — and will also give us reason to hope. You'll notice that during Lent we'll be changing our Eucharistic liturgy - the Kenyan Liturgy. It carries a theme of joy, and it's important in every service that we hold these things — Lent and joy in the coming resurrection — simultaneously in tension. We’ll have coffee!! Can’t wait to see you.

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the (NEW) Daily Prayer Booklet Vol. 1 for January - April 2022.

First Sunday in Lent - 03/06/22

The Lenten season has officially begun. Rev. Dave will be preaching and we'll be working our way through Lamentations this Lenten season, and you'll also noticed that during Lent we'll be changing our Eucharistic liturgy - the Kenyan Liturgy. You'll notice that it carries a theme of joy, and it's important in every service that we hold these things — Lent and joy in the coming resurrection — simultaneously in tension. We’ll have coffee!! Can’t wait to see you.

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the (NEW) Daily Prayer Booklet Vol. 1 for January - April 2022.

Seventh Sunday after Epiphany - 02/20/22

We’re at the seventh Sunday in the Epiphany season, and we will be meeting at 9am as usual. Rev. Chris will be preaching, continuing in the book of Luke, asking the question, what does it look like to walk in love when it’s not easy, following the example of Christ? We’ll have coffee!! Can’t wait to see you.

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the (NEW) Daily Prayer Booklet Vol. 1 for January - April 2022.

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany - 02/13/22

We’re at the sixth Sunday in the Epiphany season, and we will be meeting at 9am as usual. Rev. Dave will be talking about the Beatitudes in the gospel of Luke (slightly different than the familiar Matthew version). We’ll have coffee!! Can’t wait to see you.

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the (NEW) Daily Prayer Booklet Vol. 1 for January - April 2022.

Third Sunday after Epiphany - 01/23/22 (Dave's Installation)

This is the third Sunday after Epiphany, and it is also Rev. Dave’s Installation Service! Bishop Philip will be here to Install Dave as our permanent Rector, and Rev. Keith Peeler will be here to preach. There will be a brief reception after the service outside on the playground. Can’t wait to see you all!

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the (NEW) Daily Prayer Booklet Vol. 1 for January - April 2022.

Christmas Eve 12/24/21

It’s Christmas Eve and Rev. Chris will be preaching. We will also be having our children’s Christmas pageant (featuring many a sheep) and we’re thrilled to have it back since we had to forego it last year. Please join us. Bring friends, bring family or just yourselves!

This service will be at 5:30pm.

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the Daily Prayer Booklet Vol. 3 for Sept - Dec 2021.

Third Sunday of Advent 12/12/21

It’s the third Sunday in Advent and Rev. Chris will be talking about what it means to wait, and what wakefulness looks like. We'll be talking more about John the Baptist, specifically one thing he says, "the axe is laid at the root of the tree." When everything is shaken away, what's left at the root?.

We will meet at 9am, and childcare will be open for drop off at 8:50am. We will have COFFEE! Can’t wait to see you!

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the Daily Prayer Booklet Vol. 3 for Sept - Dec 2021.

First Sunday of Advent 11/28/21

It’s the first Sunday in Advent and Rev. Dave will be talking about the hope and anticipation of this special season. We will meet at 9am, and childcare will be open for drop off at 8:50am. We will have COFFEE!

Sunday evening we will also be having our Advent Wreath & Vestments Party. We’ll get started at 5:30pm in the parking lot. There will be food, fun, fellowship, live music and more! We’ll also have “ugly” Christmas sweaters available for a donation of your choosing that will directly benefit the Children’s Ministry. Come one, come all!

Can’t wait to see you!

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the Daily Prayer Booklet Vol. 3 for Sept - Dec 2021.