Who We Are

OUR VISION is to connect the people of East Dallas with God and with His people, so that we might behold God and become more like Him.


AUTHENTICITY - God knows us and loves us, so we seek to be honest about who we truly are, and we trust that in his grace God loves us in our brokenness.

HOSPITALITY - God has welcomed us and called us to himself, so we invite the people of East Dallas to connect with God and with his people.

MYSTERY - Through the redeeming love of the Son and the life-giving power of the Spirit, the Father calls us deeper into the divine life. We participate in this holy mystery through worship and community, through word and sacrament, and through the grace-charged gift of creation itself.

WHOLENESS/HEALING - In Christ we have seen both the face of God and the fullness of our humanity, so we trust God to transform us more and more into his image and likeness. As we are transformed, we are more and more able to love God and our neighbor.

ROOTEDNESS - Planted and established by God in Christ, we are called to East Dallas, to its people and its neighborhoods. Rooted in the soil of East Dallas, and nourished by the three life-giving streams of Scripture, Spirit, and Sacrament, we expect the slow work of growth together.

Come to a service this Sunday, and journey with us as we seek after Christ and become more and more fully human in him.

Service Information

Sundays At 9:00am

St. Bart’s at Lake Highlands Church
9919 McCree Rd,  Dallas, TX 75238

Childcare Provided for
Birth through 3 years.

Children 4 yrs - 5th grade have their own
Worship & Wonder lesson for a portion of service.

Youth 6th - 12th grade stay for the beginning worship
and then have their own lesson for a portion of service.

The Rev. David Larlee, Rector

David Larlee is a Canadian who has come to Dallas via London, UK. In 2004 he was ordained as an Anglican Priest and served an inner city congregation in London for 10 years. David and Rachel have three boys: Ethan, Thomas and Tobias. His interests include skiing, snowboarding, Texas BBQ, and cycling.

He obtained a Bachelor of Arts from Mount Allison University in 2000, a Masters of Arts from the University of Western Ontario in 2001 and a Bachelor of Theology from the University of Oxford in 2004.


The Rev. Dr. Christopher Myers, Curate

Chris Myers serves as the Curate of St. Bartholomew’s Anglican. He graduated from Redeemer Seminary with an M.Div. in 2013 and was ordained as a priest in the Anglican Mission in May of 2014. He recently finished his PhD in Theology from Durham University (UK), writing on the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar. He and his wife Morgan have two delightful daughters, Eleanor and Rowan.

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