we want to be a community that serves our east dallas neighbors!

We invite older children and youth to join this group if they are interested in helping people in the St. Bart's community with things like changing a light bulb, mowing the lawn, or organizing a pantry. We will also announce different local service project opportunities. This is a great way to get community service hours.

This group is also for the members of St. Bart's. If you find yourself needing a helping hand with things around the house or you work for a non-profit that could use more volunteers, this is a great place to send in those requests!

How it works: Start be downloading the churchcenter app. Once you register, you will automatically be added to the East Dallas Community Service "group." Requests and responses can be sent in the "chat" function.

2025 Refugee Christmas Store | December 8 Deadline

Give a tangible gift to refugee children this Christmas by donating new, unwrapped toys and new children’s coats and shoes! Refugee parents will have the opportunity to shop for and give gifts to their children at very low costs ($0.25-$3). Go to their Amazon Wish List or drop off in the Sanctuary by December 8. Very popular items include remote control cars, dolls, and soccer balls. Email questions to contact@stbartsdallas.org.

2025 Refugee Christmas Store Volunteer | December 13 & 14

Friday, December 13 | Sign up to help sort Christmas toys, shoes, and coats for refugee children. Volunteers must be 15+ years old, and each volunteer must sign up for their own slot.

Saturday, December 14 | Sign up to help parents shop, wrap gifts, and/or supervise children playing at the Christmas carnival. Children under 15 may attend with you, but they will spend their time enjoying the carnival with the other children while you volunteer (no need to sign your younger children up).

Visit our Christmas Store Sign Up to sign up for a time slot!

Have any questions? Email family@stbartsdallas.org.