WHAT: Hands on how-to make sourdough bread. Leave with a loaf to bake at home along with everything you need (including instructions, starter, and a few supplies). We'll have some sourdough bread and wine/snacks while we teach. There is a cap of 20 people for this event so be sure to register. Youth kiddos are welcome to join with a parent.
WHEN: Friday, February 21, 2025
6:00pm | Gather
6:30pm | Hard start for instructions
8:30pm | *Take your loaf home
*Sourdough is easy and fun, but it does take time since it’s natural proofing, rising, etc. So, while it doesn’t take a lot of hands-on time, it does take planned time. We’ll have the bread staged, but plan on staying until 8:30/9pm, and then your loaf will be at the stage where you can take it home, put it in your fridge, let it proof overnight, and then bake it the next morning when you’re ready.
LOCATION: Larson Home in Richardson
- recipe and chart/instructions and tips/notes for sourdough starter and bread-making
- jar of live sourdough starter
- proofing basket