Children’s Ministry
Birth - 5th Grade
Song + Story Time
Every 4th Friday
Come join us for Song + Story Time at 10am every 4th Friday. We hope this time promotes language and brain development, memory and listening skills, and creative communication and connection. This is also a great opportunity to connect with other moms as we raise our littles together!
We'll all meet in the Sanctuary and have coffee ready for the moms!
Vision & Values
At St. Bart’s we recognize that The Holy Spirit is our primary teacher. Our job as parents, teachers, and leaders is to create an environment that encourages our children to have a personal relationship with God. Scripture is our authority for teaching, correction, and training. God’s redeeming work in his creation through the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus is the essential narrative of all of Scripture.
We believe that children are born persons and image-bearers of our magnificent God.
They are a delight to Him and should be valued, cherished, respected and loved.
Children deserve to be given the same beauty, depth and richness of worship, as is appropriate to their age, that adults experience in the larger service. Church should be a place of safety and love for our children, a place where they are given opportunity to explore God’s word and engage in the living ideas of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Church should offer them a space where they can discover God’s delight in them, be awakened to his presence in their lives, enter into relationship with him, and be inspired to take his Gospel to the world.
We believe church should be a place where parents are encouraged and supported as they are the ones who have the divine call to lead, guide, and nurture their children’s spiritual growth through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe our church has much to offer our children and families in that the spiritual disciplines and liturgical rhythms of our tradition can be such powerful and beautiful instruments of spiritual formation within the home.
Children’s Worship
Nursery (birth - 18 months)
Toddlers (1.5 - 2.5 year olds)
Preschool (2.5 - 3.5 year olds)
Pre-K (3.5 & 4 year olds)
Kinder/1st Grade
2nd/3rd Grade*
4th/5th Grade*
*Worship & Wonder is what we call our time of worship on Sundays with children Pre-K through 5th Grade. Our 2’s and young 3’s also have a time of worship that is less structured.
Worship & Wonder includes various components such as a special greeting, singing, prayer, lighting of the Christ candle, a Biblical story presented in a dramatic way with reverence and care using wooden figures and other beautifully crafted materials, a time of wondering about the story, and a time to reflect on the story through creative expression. The time concludes with prayer and a blessing for the children.
Sunday Morning Check-in
Please park in the parking lot near the playground and enter the double glass doors directly across from the playground. The children’s wing is located upstairs to the right when you walk in. A greeter will help you sign in, get a name tag and a pick-up ticket for your child, and direct you to your child’s classroom. Please remember to keep your pick up ticket and show it to the childcare when picking up your child.
Ways to Get Involved
If you would like to participate by volunteering, please fill out this form so that we can contact you! All of our volunteers complete a background check and training through Ministry Safe.
Have any questions? Reach out to
Eraina Larson
Family Ministries Director
Cassie Lewis
Family Ministries Administrator