Deeply Formed Life

Be changed. Be formed. Go deep.


What is deeply formed life?

We want to be a community that creates space for any topics or questions of life. This is a way to gather people with different backgrounds, ethnicities, and cultures who all have the shared desire to go deep. We will join together monthly for shared conversation around five transformative values, rooting us in the way of Jesus. As Rich Villodas says, The troubling reality is that believers can be deeply committed to being Christian without ever being deeply formed by Christ.”

What will we be reading?

We read The Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas where we discussed:

Contemplative Rhythms, Chapters 1-2

Racial Reconciliation, Chapters 3-4

Interior Examination, Chapters 5-6

Sexual Wholeness, Chapters 7-8

Missional Presence, Chapters 9-10

*Scroll down for discussion questions and suggested further reading.


What will we do at deeply formed life?

We will come together, having read that month’s materials, to share a meal, break into small groups of 12-15 people (either with your Connect Group or we will put you in a group), explore questions based on the topic, and pray together.

Who Can Come?

Anyone is welcome, so feel free to invite friends and family! All Connect Groups are invited to come as a group for the discussion portion.

How Do I get the book?

Read the book however you like!

*We have a couple of books left over if you would like to pick one up on Sunday for $14!


How Do I join?

Follow the link below to the churchcenter app! Please reregister each month, at least a week in advance, so we have the right amount of food and an accurate headcount.


We are able to offer a reimbursement up to $45 each time you attend. Please fill out a separate form each month. Childcare Reimbursement Form


discussion questions and Suggested further reading

Chapters 1 & 2 Discussion Questions Link | Contemplative Rhythms Value and Practices

Chapters 3 & 4 Discussion Questions Link | Racial Reconciliation Value and Practices

Chapters 5 & 6 Discussion Questions Link | Interior Examination Value and Practices

Chapters 7 & 8 Discussion Questions Link | Sexual Wholeness Value and Practices

Chapters 9 & 10 Discussion Questions Link | Missional Presence Value and Practices