We call this coming Sunday Christ the King Sunday, and it marks the end of the liturgical year. The confession that Christ is King is not only a fitting end to the church year, but it is also the true end (goal) of all Christian worship.
To say that Jesus is king, that he is Lord, is to say that Jesus is the empowered one, the enthroned one, the one to whom we are all accountable. And indeed this is where the confession of Jesus' kingship will always take us--to our knees where we confess that Jesus Christ is the one true Lord of all.
Last week Jay spoke about the Eucharistic feast in terms of God's welcome of us. This week I will continue that theme by speaking about the character of Christ our King and seek to show why it is good news indeed to say the Jesus is the Lord of the Eucharistic feast.
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Also, remember that we have childcare available for children 4 years and younger. You can register for childcare HERE.