Baptisms This Sunday!

Moving from confirmations to baptisms to an evening celebration service, it has been meaningful to continue marking these pivotal and memorable moments in our pilgrimage. This Sunday we have baptisms which is the sacrament of initiation, a threshold moment when those who are being baptized are immersed into the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We can always look back to this moment to remind ourselves that we have been given a new name through the triune God. Along with that is to connect All Saints Day to these baptisms and the meaning of its' significance.

The Lord has sustained St. Barts for seven years! If you haven't already, please sign up to join us for the evening celebration service. This is a time when our church family can come together around a table and share with one another a sign of His presence, His goodness, and His faithfulness to us. All details on our website!