Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost 10/04/20

Download the bulletin here to follow along with our service: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uLtuzdUZ9kM9TxT31NPWNNp-RBMCHfP9/view?usp=sharing How can we pr...

Happy Sunday!

Our live stream has been extra glitch-ful over the past few weeks, so much so that it’s been hard to watch in it’s entirety. We’ve decided to start recording the live services and posting them as soon as it’s possible after the service is over. We’re not exactly sure how quickly that can happen, but we appreciate your patience as we find out this weekend! Ideally you’d be able to watch by sometime between 7pm-8pm on Sunday, or of course, any day or time you want throughout the week.

  • To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

  • Click HERE to access the NEW Daily Prayer Booklet, Volume III.

Can’t wait to see you!