Twenty-first Sunday After Pentecost 10/25/20

Download the bulletin here to follow along with our service:: How can we pray for you?...

We will record the service Sunday evening as it’s happening in person and we’ll post the recording right here on Monday morning.

We’re in the middle of a 4 week sermon series where Jay & Chris will be preaching through some of the themes of Rowan Williams’ book Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer. In this week’s sermon Chris will be touching on baptism, crossing from one kingdom to another, and prophets, priests and kings as a part of the body. If you’d like to read the book as we go through, it’s available for purchase wherever you normally buy books.

  • To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

  • Click HERE to access the NEW Daily Prayer Booklet, Volume III.

Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost 10/18/20

Download the bulletin here to follow along with our service:: How can we p...

We’re in the middle of a 4 week sermon series where Jay & Chris will be preaching through some of the themes of Rowan Williams’ book Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer. In this week’s sermon Jay will be talking about sharing in death and life of Christ, openness to Spirit, communion with and within Trinity. If you’d like to read the book as we go through, it’s available for purchase wherever you normally buy books.

  • To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

  • Click HERE to access the NEW Daily Prayer Booklet, Volume III.

Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost 10/11/20

Download the bulletin here to follow along with our service:: How can we pray for you?...

After some trouble shooting last week, our new goal is to have the recorded service up here on the Monday morning after the service, and we’ll drop it right in this post. Thanks for your patience as we flex between technologies!

For the next few weeks, Jay & Chris will be preaching through some of the themes of Rowan Williams’ book Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer. In this week’s sermon Jay will be talking about the death of Jesus, with themes of chaos and water. If you’d like to read the book as we go through, it’s available for purchase wherever you normally buy books.

  • To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

  • Click HERE to access the NEW Daily Prayer Booklet, Volume III.

Looking forward to it!

Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost 10/04/20

Download the bulletin here to follow along with our service: How can we pr...

Happy Sunday!

Our live stream has been extra glitch-ful over the past few weeks, so much so that it’s been hard to watch in it’s entirety. We’ve decided to start recording the live services and posting them as soon as it’s possible after the service is over. We’re not exactly sure how quickly that can happen, but we appreciate your patience as we find out this weekend! Ideally you’d be able to watch by sometime between 7pm-8pm on Sunday, or of course, any day or time you want throughout the week.

  • To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

  • Click HERE to access the NEW Daily Prayer Booklet, Volume III.

Can’t wait to see you!

Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost 9/20/20

Hello Friends! If you weren't able to come by last week and you have children anywhere from PreK-4 to 5th grade, you can drive thru the church to pick up your child's blessing bag.

Our live stream will begin just before 5pm on Sunday, Sept 20th. Click HERE to tune in and select the video for today’s date.

  • To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

  • Click HERE to access the NEW Daily Prayer Booklet, Volume III.

Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Hello People of St. Bart’s! It’s Back to School Blessing Sunday! If you have children ages Pre-K through 5th grade, be sure to get a blessing bag from Katie after the service. If you aren’t here in person for the service, you can still drive through after and pick on up!

Our live stream will begin at 5pm on Sunday, August 30th. Click HERE to tune in. The service will be about 45 min long.

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the NEW Daily Prayer Booklet, Volume III.

Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost 8/30/20

Hello St. Bart’s!

Praying for all as we enter the beginning of the school year, whether you’re a parent, teacher, child or otherwise. There are no easy decisions and we pray for peace and wellness for all.

Our live stream will begin at 5pm on Sunday, August 30th. Click HERE to tune in.

The service will take place until 5:45pm, then we will be doing drive up Communion at the church from 6pm - 6:30pm.

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the NEW Daily Prayer Booklet, Volume III.

Feast Day of St. Bartholomew - 8/23/20

Hello St. Bart’s!

We mourn that we cannot celebrate St. Bart’s Day with a church family gathering like we’ve always done while simultaneously looking for ways this season can refine us and bring good things.

Our live stream will begin at 5pm on Sunday, August 23th. Click HERE to tune in.

The service will take place until 5:45pm, then we will be doing drive up Communion at the church from 6pm - 6:30pm.

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the Daily Prayer Booklet for this quarter.

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost 7/19/20

Good Morning friends! Rev. Chris brings us our message this week and we’re looking forward to meeting back in person, although with many changes, next week!

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the Daily Prayer Booklet for this quarter.

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

Worship and Wonder is currently on break, but you can catch up on any Sundays you may have missed by watching our previous videos on our St. Bart’s Channel playlist:

Worship and Wonder


Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 7/12/20

Hello People of St. Bart’s! Rev. Chris brings us our message this week, and we’re happy to have you with us!

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the Daily Prayer Booklet for this quarter.

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Worship and Wonder is currently on break, but you can catch up on any Sundays you may have missed by watching our previous videos on our St. Bart’s Channel playlist:

Worship and Wonder


Fifth Sunday after Pentecost 7/5/20

Hello People of St. Bart’s! Join us today as we finish up our sermon series on our Values at St. Bart’s! This week Rev. Jay will be preaching on our fourth value, Rootedness.

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the Daily Prayer Booklet for this quarter.

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Worship and Wonder is currently on break, but you can catch up on any Sundays you may have missed by watching our previous videos on our St. Bart’s Channel playlist:

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 6/28/20

Hello friends! Join us as we continue our 4-week sermon series on our Values at St. Bart’s! This week Rev. Jay will be preaching on our Wholeness & Healing value.

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the Daily Prayer Booklet for this quarter.

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Click HERE to download the schedule for Worship & Wonder, led by our Children’s Ministry Coordinator Katie Lemming.


Third Sunday after Pentecost 6/21/20

Happy Father’s Day friends! Join us as we continue our 4-week sermon series on our Values at St. Bart’s! This week Rev. Chris will be speaking on our third value, Mystery.

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the Daily Prayer Booklet for this quarter.

Third Sunday after Pentecost

Click HERE to download the schedule for Worship & Wonder, led by our Children’s Ministry Coordinator Katie Lemming.

Worship and Wonder


Second Sunday after Pentecost 6/14/20

Join us as we continue our 4-week sermon series on our Values at St. Bart’s! This week’s value is Hospitality.

To follow along, you can click HERE to download the bulletin.

Click HERE to access the Daily Prayer Booklet for this quarter.

Second Sunday after Pentecost

Click HERE to download the schedule for Worship & Wonder, led by our Children’s Ministry Coordinator Katie Lemming.

Worship and Wonder